Celebrity Cooking...
I'm really not so keen on cooking
Although I'm aware that I should be
I find it a bore and rather a chore
If I tried I don't think I could be
First one must look through the recipe book
To find the page of instructions
And hardest of all decide what to cook
Before you can start preparations
There's the peeling and chopping and basting and stirring
It all seems to be so very time wasting
And all the time to instructions referring
When there's so many things I'd rather be doing
The celebrityj chefs that you see on the tele
Whose creations appear with an effortless flourish
Their panache and aplomb make it all look so easy
Ingenious ingredients with flavour that nourish
They make it all look both simple and fun
They whip or they flame the cream or the game
And say with a smile that that's how it's done
But our efforts don't at all look the same
(Though some chefs do acquire a certain notoriety
Not from the food or glib demonstrations
Of impressively making such slick presentations
But from a lifestyle lacking a degree of sobriety)
Its all such a fag and rather a drag
And after you've eaten your meat or your fishes
With foods that fulfill all your dreams and your wishes -
The last straw of all is washing the dishes
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