Friday, 31 January 2014

Parkington Trump and Ride .....Published Cambridge News 17 January 2914

Parkington Trump and Ride

Its easy to drive to the park and ride
Carefully park and note your position
It must surely save a lot of time
And free the centre of congestion

A bus would be good and come soon it should
But the only seat we can avail
When we'd like to sit if only we could
Is a cold slippery skinny steel bumrail

A hygenic gap for easy cleaning
Just at the most convenient height
Allows icy blasts straight from Siberia
To whip around our ankles tight

The one thing we can all be sure of
The colder it is and the worse the weather
Of waiting there will always be more of
And then two buses arrive together

There's still yet one remaining challenge
Wandering round in conditions arctic
In this ocean of cars - can we still manage
To remember later just where we parked it 

Wet Wet Wet... Published Cambridge News 6 February 2014

Wet Wet - Wet

Another grey day with curtains of rain
Cascading down the window pane
We cower with open umbrellas and wellies
There's mud that squelches at every step
From ground that's endlessly soaking wet
The horizon a gleaming floodplain
The waterlogged fields are deeply soggy
And endless vista that is drearily boggy
Sheets of rain are sweeping the highway
Hypnotic swish of windscreen wipers
With vision obscured by flying spray
And trucks are chucking a bow wave
The heavens weep from leaden cloud
Drenching the waterlogged earth beneath
Drops dancing like spinning coins on the road
Twirling across like minature dervishes
Whirling over in wild skirmishes
To culverts that have overflowed
There's beauty still with new perceptions
Those sheets of water give glassy reflections
Mirrored picture of tree and sky
In flooded ditch there's a replica hedge
Crystal clear inverted image
That trapped within these waters lie
My washing line's slung with a garland of pearls
Each twig and leaf is diamond hung
Delicate globes of surface tension
Each drop holding a tiny refraction
Smooth surfaced puddles are rippled by rings
That outward spread with concentric curves

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Celebrity Cooking..... Published Cambridge News 9 January 2014

Celebrity Cooking...

I'm really not so keen on cooking
Although I'm aware that I should be
I find it a bore and rather a chore
If I tried I don't think I could be

First one must look through the recipe book
To find the page of instructions
And hardest of all decide what to cook
Before you can start preparations

There's the peeling and chopping and basting and stirring
It all seems to be so very time wasting
And all the time to instructions referring
When there's so many things I'd rather  be doing

The celebrityj chefs that you see on the tele
Whose creations appear with an effortless flourish
Their panache and aplomb make it all look so easy
Ingenious ingredients with flavour that nourish

They make it all look both simple and fun
They whip or they flame the cream or the game
And say with a smile that that's how it's done
But our efforts don't at all look the same

(Though some chefs do acquire a certain notoriety
Not from the food or glib demonstrations
Of impressively making such slick presentations
But from  a lifestyle lacking a degree of sobriety)

Its all such a fag and rather a drag
And after you've eaten your meat or your fishes
With foods that fulfill all your dreams and your wishes -

The last straw of all is washing the dishes

Friday, 10 January 2014

Rainbow's End - Published Cambridge News 15 January 2014

Rainbow's End

We wake to a sound so relentless and drear
A steady continuous downpour of rain
Pull back the curtains and outwards we peer
At grey and colourless soaking terrain

At inky black clouds from the windows we gaze
And waterlogged fields reflecting the trees
The roads are awash as cars through them slosh
And now its been raining for days and days

Blacker still the sky becomes
With menacing thunder and lightning flash
In lashing gale rain turns to hail
As thunder rolls with deafening crash

A sudden lance of sunlight spears
And blossoming through the lowering skies
An iridescent tiara spanning the heavens
The shimmering arc of a rainbow appears
The church will hold that crock of gold
At the close of this torrential shower
A shining vision of ephemeral beauty
The rainbow's end shines on the tower 

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year..... Published Cambridge News 3 January 2014

Happy New Year

At the New Year the time has arrived
To make our lists of resolutions
Of all those efforts we've contrived
And plan our innovations
Now that Jan 1st has come
With past bad habits we've now done
Not to drive to work each day
But put on our trainers and jog all the way
Work off the backlog of Christmas excess
And make of our job a resounding success
In this new evolution...
To stop eating chocolate
And go to the gym
Not stay up too late
And keep healthy and trim
We will give up the smoking
And give up the drinking
On maturer reflection
It might be much simpler
Just to stop thinking

Remembering my mother's prophetic predictions:
She always claimed that the road to hell
Is paved with good intentions
Oh well - what the hell.....