Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold - Published Cambridge News 13 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold

A beckoning path that wends its way
Through arching tunnel of golden blaze
Lined with pillars of ebony bark
And lit by luminous autumn rays 

Every tree is veiled in gold
Reflected by brilliant carpet beneath
Turned to riches by autumn's cold 
Each branch adorned with shining wreath

These glistening coins bedeck the trees
And line the path with golden flames
Drift silent down as autumn breathes
To settle and shimmer as summer wanes

Amber and ochre and saffron and red
Leaves tremble on every branch and stem
Hung with medallions like sequins on thread
They are lit from within like Cabochon gem

This inviting trail entices our gaze
Its mellowing glows with lambent light
And the golden haze of autumn days
Lingers into the misty night


  1. lovely ..those glistening coins and golden medallions will keep us warm , and light up the gloom of the days to come (or maybe winter will surprise us all with its own sequins ?). I feel warmer just looking at those golden boughs ....

  2. Conjures the magic of Autumn colours so beautifully. Well done Carolyn
    Heather (K)
