Saturday, 23 November 2013

A Winter's Eve - published Cambridge News 17 March 2014

A Winter's Eve

As winter’s eve draws to its close
Long wavering line of seagulls fly
In chevron stretched on fading sky
And trees their deepening shadows throw

Mysterious bark of hidden deer
Sliding  through the bosky glade
Ephemeral in the thickening haze
Their phantoms in the distance fade

The creatures of the night bestir
Poised alert with listening ear
For secret rustle with care to muffle
Each tiny sound from elfin paw

Alert in case they danger hear
They furtive slink through ghostly trees
And timorous through the gloaming peer
For hunters red in tooth and claw

The eerie hoot of twilight owl
A robin trills his evening song
The silent fox slips out to prowl
A misty moon and nights are long

Glimmer of pale elusive star
Evening stills with breathless hush
Awaits the stealthy advance of dusk
Smell of frost in the air

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Autumn - Published Cambridge News October 2012



The autumn light slants through the trees
With dancing shafts and pools of shade
Illuminating mellow leaves
With touch of gold and hint of jade

A brilliant splash of scarlet bright
From  berries decking hedgerow long
Luminous in hazy light
And robin trills his winter song

The early morn sees drifting mist
And as we watch the summer fade
The evening air is winter kissed
The countryside to rest is laid


Friday, 15 November 2013

More Stowaways.... Published Cambridge News 7 December 2013

More Stowaways

The dog’s been loaded into the back
Attentive eared he awaits his walk
Packed in are boots and sticks and  mac
Beseeching eyes have mine besought
I’m ready to leave,  but my mind is abstracted

When gradually I become distracted
By an unusual sound demanding attention
While my hand is hovering on the ignition
The car is not running so it can’t be the engine
It’s a sort of sotto vocce whirring
Its lucky I haven’t started the car
And better still have not gone far
The boot of the car is contentedly purring
Its passengers are most  bizarre
Around the dog’s legs his cat is curling

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold - Published Cambridge News 13 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold

A beckoning path that wends its way
Through arching tunnel of golden blaze
Lined with pillars of ebony bark
And lit by luminous autumn rays 

Every tree is veiled in gold
Reflected by brilliant carpet beneath
Turned to riches by autumn's cold 
Each branch adorned with shining wreath

These glistening coins bedeck the trees
And line the path with golden flames
Drift silent down as autumn breathes
To settle and shimmer as summer wanes

Amber and ochre and saffron and red
Leaves tremble on every branch and stem
Hung with medallions like sequins on thread
They are lit from within like Cabochon gem

This inviting trail entices our gaze
Its mellowing glows with lambent light
And the golden haze of autumn days
Lingers into the misty night

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Waterproof - Published Cambridge News 30 Oct0ber 2012


I dropped my mobile into my coffee
And it never worked as well again
It made it come out somewhat frothy
And it spoilt the latte – such a shame
A friend has dropped his into his beer
It made a good splash and wasted some cash
So that glass of lager became rather dear

And my mother has  dropped hers into her tea
A bad idea this as turned out to be
And alas one fell out of the boat in the sea
It slipped over the brink and into the drink
We all watched it sink as it made us think
That why all this happens isn’t quite clear

Some have been cleaned in the washing machine
Or gone one load higher in the hot tumble dryer
And I’ve heard of one that went down the toilet
Not only wet but would certainly spoil it
If it falls in the saucepan you could even boil it
My last one drowned in the Dog’s water bowl
If it wasn’t annoying it would have been droll
So clearly the manufacturers ought’a
Make all their cell phones resistant to water

Grandmother's Darlings... Published Cambridge News 1 November 2013

Grandmother's Darlings...

These grandchildren are my delight
But at the end of each exhausting day
When off to bed they're on their way
With great relief they're kissed goodnight

But its difficult to write poetry
When caring for these darling children
And this applies especially
When they won't do what they are bidden 

If they squabble and brawl
Or have tantrums and bawl
I can’t hear my muse or rhyming words choose
When perchance they are chidden

If they wail and yell creating mayhem and hell
They really aren’t very nice
But when they are good and do what they should
These angels would melt a heart of ice

When they do what they are told
And don’t whine, or fuss  or moan
They  both behave as good as gold
Then they would melt a heart of stone

The clouds of tears will soon blow over
Miraculous smiles come out like the sun
And then when all is said and done
They’re dreadful – but they’re dreadful fun

At night when they are fast asleep
Forgotten tears now dry
With curling lash on rosy cheek
They like sleeping cherubs lie

At the end of the day or the close of the stay
We give them back and go on our way
With magic moments without measure
And  memories we will ever treasure