Sunday, 19 May 2013

By Nature Grown - Published in Cambridge News 21 5 2013

Flowering Verges

Spare a thought for the verge
As you pass by on your way
                      You’ll find its often a colourful surge                       
Of wildflowers enhancing your day

Cushions of violets in  blue and in white
Rosettes of primroses spangle the bank
Clusters of cowslips catching the light
And celandines grow up the flank.
The golden suns of dandelions
Their faces turned toward the sky
A sheet of shining buttercups
Reflect the sun as you go by

There’s cowparsley – the Queen Anne’s lace
 That foams the edge along the hedge
                         There’s alkanet and comfrey bloom                          
                                 And bluebells sway with slender grace                                     

                             In billowing drifts moon daisies blow                                 
Cascading down the embankment   
In great glistening fields of snow
Rippled by rush of the trucks as they go  

The fiery spikes of willow herb
Flames  later on when summer’s here
             And cranesbills cups of tender blue               
That flowers all along the kerb

These flowers are free for all to see
And all of these by nature grown
Surely it must be a crime
If these are by the council mown...

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this wonderful evocation of nature,s light show along the verges .And those pictures speak volumes . The council has just mown down the verges outside my village : they have switched off the lights . Pity they didn,t read your poem first !
