Saturday, 14 December 2013

Christmastide..... Published 19 December 2013

Christmas cheer approaches near,
Shops overflowing with bargains and offers
Enticing the shoppers to fill up their coffers
The countdown begins a bit sooner each year.
Its time to sally forth and try
With some attempt at sensible thrift
To find the right presents for all to buy
White elephants of gifts...
The Salvation army's trumpeting carols
The streets ablaze with garlands of lights
Jostle and hustle and seasonal bustle
Glitter and sparkle of yuletide sights
Baubles and lights and parcels to wrap
Turkeys to eat and crackers to crack
While Santa cruises through the skies
With reindeer sleigh and bulging sack
On Christmas eve the children hang
Their stockings hoping Santa will
With parcels all these stockings fill
And toys for girls and boys he'll bring
But what about children whose homes - alack
Are apartments in city high rise blocks
They haven't got a chimney stack
Why - Santa just unpicks the locks
When midnight comes - there's pause to remember
That star that shone on Bethlemem
The story of that ancient drama
That babe re-born each year again

Windblown Leaves - Published Cambridge News 14 December 2013

Windblown Leaves
A frost that sharpens the air and brings
A glorious avalanche of leaves
Tumbling cascade of torrent and colour
Pouring down from the trees
A dripping curtain of golden rain
Or drifting down with gentle patter
Spilling to carpet the earth beneach
Makes floating enameled jewels on water
Crisp underfoot to crunch and shuffle
There for all to kick and scuffle
Creating delicious crackling rustle
Caught by the wind they whirl and settle
Scorning the labours of puny man
Working with barrow who thinks he can
Mocking at those so busily sweeping
Up mountains of leaves and carefully heaping
Their evening fires with smoky plumes
They swirl again all efforts defeating
These leaves gathered in with rakes and brooms
Then chilly mist of evening brings
The tang of bonfire's rich perfumes




Friday, 6 December 2013

The Computer - Published Cambridge News 10 December 2013

The Computer

The computer sits so smugly there
This thing that’s made of chips and wires
It doesn’t get stressed or angry or swear
It can’t get bored and never tires

It isn’t panicked by wasting  time
Its imperturbable indefatigable
Murmurs with quiet electronic hum
Its mechanical patience is interminable

It squats there with unblinking screen
Blandly awaiting instructions
Its regular silicone heart beats on
While we sit frantically pressing the buttons

With incomprehensible jargon it doesn’t bargain
Every hyphen and dot or colon or dash
Each symbol or link and capslock or slash
Must be perfect or else the computer will crash

It remains unphased with impenetrable calm
There’s no end to the hours it can afford
It doesn’t know its doing us harm
When we can’t access information its stored

In our despair we may tear at our hair
With its  basilisk stare and time to spare
It doesn't care or know it’s won
The battle it wasn’t aware it begun

Saturday, 23 November 2013

A Winter's Eve - published Cambridge News 17 March 2014

A Winter's Eve

As winter’s eve draws to its close
Long wavering line of seagulls fly
In chevron stretched on fading sky
And trees their deepening shadows throw

Mysterious bark of hidden deer
Sliding  through the bosky glade
Ephemeral in the thickening haze
Their phantoms in the distance fade

The creatures of the night bestir
Poised alert with listening ear
For secret rustle with care to muffle
Each tiny sound from elfin paw

Alert in case they danger hear
They furtive slink through ghostly trees
And timorous through the gloaming peer
For hunters red in tooth and claw

The eerie hoot of twilight owl
A robin trills his evening song
The silent fox slips out to prowl
A misty moon and nights are long

Glimmer of pale elusive star
Evening stills with breathless hush
Awaits the stealthy advance of dusk
Smell of frost in the air

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Autumn - Published Cambridge News October 2012



The autumn light slants through the trees
With dancing shafts and pools of shade
Illuminating mellow leaves
With touch of gold and hint of jade

A brilliant splash of scarlet bright
From  berries decking hedgerow long
Luminous in hazy light
And robin trills his winter song

The early morn sees drifting mist
And as we watch the summer fade
The evening air is winter kissed
The countryside to rest is laid


Friday, 15 November 2013

More Stowaways.... Published Cambridge News 7 December 2013

More Stowaways

The dog’s been loaded into the back
Attentive eared he awaits his walk
Packed in are boots and sticks and  mac
Beseeching eyes have mine besought
I’m ready to leave,  but my mind is abstracted

When gradually I become distracted
By an unusual sound demanding attention
While my hand is hovering on the ignition
The car is not running so it can’t be the engine
It’s a sort of sotto vocce whirring
Its lucky I haven’t started the car
And better still have not gone far
The boot of the car is contentedly purring
Its passengers are most  bizarre
Around the dog’s legs his cat is curling

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold - Published Cambridge News 13 November 2013

Tunnel of Gold

A beckoning path that wends its way
Through arching tunnel of golden blaze
Lined with pillars of ebony bark
And lit by luminous autumn rays 

Every tree is veiled in gold
Reflected by brilliant carpet beneath
Turned to riches by autumn's cold 
Each branch adorned with shining wreath

These glistening coins bedeck the trees
And line the path with golden flames
Drift silent down as autumn breathes
To settle and shimmer as summer wanes

Amber and ochre and saffron and red
Leaves tremble on every branch and stem
Hung with medallions like sequins on thread
They are lit from within like Cabochon gem

This inviting trail entices our gaze
Its mellowing glows with lambent light
And the golden haze of autumn days
Lingers into the misty night

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Waterproof - Published Cambridge News 30 Oct0ber 2012


I dropped my mobile into my coffee
And it never worked as well again
It made it come out somewhat frothy
And it spoilt the latte – such a shame
A friend has dropped his into his beer
It made a good splash and wasted some cash
So that glass of lager became rather dear

And my mother has  dropped hers into her tea
A bad idea this as turned out to be
And alas one fell out of the boat in the sea
It slipped over the brink and into the drink
We all watched it sink as it made us think
That why all this happens isn’t quite clear

Some have been cleaned in the washing machine
Or gone one load higher in the hot tumble dryer
And I’ve heard of one that went down the toilet
Not only wet but would certainly spoil it
If it falls in the saucepan you could even boil it
My last one drowned in the Dog’s water bowl
If it wasn’t annoying it would have been droll
So clearly the manufacturers ought’a
Make all their cell phones resistant to water

Grandmother's Darlings... Published Cambridge News 1 November 2013

Grandmother's Darlings...

These grandchildren are my delight
But at the end of each exhausting day
When off to bed they're on their way
With great relief they're kissed goodnight

But its difficult to write poetry
When caring for these darling children
And this applies especially
When they won't do what they are bidden 

If they squabble and brawl
Or have tantrums and bawl
I can’t hear my muse or rhyming words choose
When perchance they are chidden

If they wail and yell creating mayhem and hell
They really aren’t very nice
But when they are good and do what they should
These angels would melt a heart of ice

When they do what they are told
And don’t whine, or fuss  or moan
They  both behave as good as gold
Then they would melt a heart of stone

The clouds of tears will soon blow over
Miraculous smiles come out like the sun
And then when all is said and done
They’re dreadful – but they’re dreadful fun

At night when they are fast asleep
Forgotten tears now dry
With curling lash on rosy cheek
They like sleeping cherubs lie

At the end of the day or the close of the stay
We give them back and go on our way
With magic moments without measure
And  memories we will ever treasure

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Queen of the Boiler

Queen of the Boiler

She's the queen of the boiler
She can sit there and preen
Stretch out her paws and flex her claws
Meticulously lick her fur clean

But now there are two new invaders
A wet muddy brace
Of boots put to dry where she likes to lie
In her own special place

With a meow  of protestation  
She has curled herself smaller
And with some indignation and sad resignation
Has relinquished some space

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Wild Harvest - Published Cambridge News 15 November 2013

                                  Wild Harvest                                

Autumn when Nature her riches shares
A profusion of wild fruits so lavish
That there for all the  wayside bears
Free fruits that trees and hedgerows garnish
Magnificent chestnut’s generous harvest
Where children delight in shiny conkers
With zest released from spiny vest
Gleaming rich with chestnut varnish

Rosettes and trails of scarlet glows
From hips and haws and rowan berries
And bryony’s glistening beaded garlands
Like jewels flung with careless abandon
There’s  indigo bloom of bitter sloes
And dusky  damsons hanging like cherries
Black glossy elder fruit, crab apples gold
For gin and wine or jams and jellies

Wild harvest too for squirrels and birds
All kinds of creatures both feathered and furred
Gathered and stored with one accord
Collected and hidden with scrupulous care
Nuts and seeds for winter hoard
Secreted away in burrow and lair
From oak boughs bowed with weight of the acorns
Away from prying eyes are buried

Armoured by thorns but tempting and luscious
Blackberries abound in succulent clusters
With their crooks and their hooks people picking and eating
(One has a stepladder – but surely that’s cheating)
There’s a huge hornet like motorbike parked by the edge
While its tattooed black leathered owner dallies
His helmet abandoned beside the hedge

Facial studs glinting – he is picking the blackberries


Friday, 11 October 2013

Litterbugs - Published Cambridge News 3 October 2013


I wonder who these people are
Who so lightheartedly  fling
From the window of the car
The rubbish that they bring

There are bottles and drink cans
Which litter the verge
And these hideous things
From the wildflowers emerge

Cigarette boxes and all kinds of trash
They just chuck out the lot
They sling it and dash
But bio-degrade – it does NOT

Thus all this detritus they sling
And unnatural things our roadsides sully
And a depressing air of squalor brings
To every edge and every gully

When you’re driving your car
Please don’t  throw as you roam
Just take all  your litter
And bin it back home

(Collected from 20m of verge)

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Storm - published Cambridge News 26 7 13


Zig-zagging flash and deafening crash rending the sky asunder
With the shattering roar of celestial lion
The heavens at war with the great God Thor
As he hammers on anvils of iron

The cymbals of heaven are crashing together
As jagged streaks of lightning tear
The blackening sky is ripped apart
By flickering shock of  blinding glare

The beating rain on window pane
Water cascading in torrential downpour
Like elemental spirit flailing the glass
Drumming with wild relentless roar

The drama and thrill of the fury out spill
Above the crescendo of thunder is born
Where the towering thunderheads are clashing
Caught in the eye of the storm

The roiling heavens above in torment
With jagged streaks that havoc wreak
While insignificant mortals below
Are dwarfed by the rage of the firmament

Friday, 20 September 2013



I have to hand in my prescription
Because I’m now taking pills
For most of my ills
Of every shape size and description
There are blue ones and green ones
                                  And red ones and yellow                               
                                 And pink ones and white ones                               
And large ones to swallow
Some pills are long
And some pills are round
So you don’t get them wrong
Their colours abound

The results are beyond my prediction……….