Thursday, 4 December 2014


The Classic family photo group
Lined up with siblings three
But the camera was too quick to shoot
So three were facing me
He should present a smiling face
To camera's waiting lens
But he's gazing at the camera case
Instead of at his friends
With anxious frown he's looking down
To see what has gone wrong
The other three are peering round
As he's taking much too long
So when the shot was fired away
Before we were all ready
Three faced to one who looked astray
And the image was unsteady
What's more the shot was focussed not
With edges somewhat furry
We were an unattentive lot
So it was distinctly blurry
The lesson here is loud and clear
For families in a flurry
When standing there with near and dear
Do not pose in a hurry

The Missing Shoe

The Missing Shoe
While driving along with the radio on
By the verge I saw a man's shoe
Which made me wonder to whom it belonged
And why there was one, and not two
This curious phenomenon is not so unusual
An odd single shoe by the road
Why throw out one shoe in a manner so casual
Is walking in one shoe the new mode?
A flipflop, a trainer, a sandal or boot,
Shoes appear to be chucked out at random
There are not so many folk with only one foot
So why do these people just one shoe abandon?
Perhaps a hiker developed a blister
Or trod on a thorn and found his sock torn
Or a verruca beginning to fester
Maybe the shoe was hurting his corn
Was the wearer beamed up by an alien force
And is now gazing downwards from space
Or found he preferred hopping to walking, of course
Or clumsily broke a shoe lace
This sight is not rare so its clear they don't care
About this lonely shoe's fate
And that where there was once a pair
This solitary shoe has lost his mate
Whatever the case and wherever the place
By the road when you see a lone shoe
Just there on its own where there should be a brace
Give pause to the question of why there aren't two