Thoughts of May
Breaking dawn with shrilling of birdsong
Saluting the upsurge of spring
While deep in hidden hedgerow nest
Those precious eggs their new life bring
Hawthorn blossom's heady perfume
Mingles with fragrant beanfield's bloom
Delicate ferns unfurl their fronds
In shady dell within the trees
Where bluebells share with orchid rare
The murmurous hum of honeybees
The moorhen chicks dart on the ponds
And ducklings creep among the reeds
Fluorescent squares of rape in flower
Patchwork the land with hi-vi yellow
Lurid against an angry sky
As cloud shadows go sweeping by
And silvered fields of barley ripple
In rays of sunlight clear and mellow
Clouds billowing up in turbulent tower
With indigo sky and chilling breeze
Eclipsing sun in sudden shower
Cleansing foliage with sparkling leaves
Then sun breaks forth with dazzling ray
Air keenly scented with elderflower
Great towering chestnut's massy boughs
Are laden with blossoming candelabra
In golden buttercups beneath
Contented cows in meadows drowse
And as they doze at daylight's close
The birds are singing their late sonata
From heaven above the lark pours down
His liquid exaltation
The darkling sky with starlight's glimmer
This atmosphere of jubilation
Fulfilment of nature's celebration
May opens the gateway to summer
Perhaps May wasn't the gateway to summer
After all it appears that was a bit premature
As the rain continues we get glummer and glummer
And yet there is still more to endure
But the clover leaves are sprinkled with moonstones
And the air is freshened by ozone...