Sunday, 27 October 2013

Queen of the Boiler

Queen of the Boiler

She's the queen of the boiler
She can sit there and preen
Stretch out her paws and flex her claws
Meticulously lick her fur clean

But now there are two new invaders
A wet muddy brace
Of boots put to dry where she likes to lie
In her own special place

With a meow  of protestation  
She has curled herself smaller
And with some indignation and sad resignation
Has relinquished some space

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Wild Harvest - Published Cambridge News 15 November 2013

                                  Wild Harvest                                

Autumn when Nature her riches shares
A profusion of wild fruits so lavish
That there for all the  wayside bears
Free fruits that trees and hedgerows garnish
Magnificent chestnut’s generous harvest
Where children delight in shiny conkers
With zest released from spiny vest
Gleaming rich with chestnut varnish

Rosettes and trails of scarlet glows
From hips and haws and rowan berries
And bryony’s glistening beaded garlands
Like jewels flung with careless abandon
There’s  indigo bloom of bitter sloes
And dusky  damsons hanging like cherries
Black glossy elder fruit, crab apples gold
For gin and wine or jams and jellies

Wild harvest too for squirrels and birds
All kinds of creatures both feathered and furred
Gathered and stored with one accord
Collected and hidden with scrupulous care
Nuts and seeds for winter hoard
Secreted away in burrow and lair
From oak boughs bowed with weight of the acorns
Away from prying eyes are buried

Armoured by thorns but tempting and luscious
Blackberries abound in succulent clusters
With their crooks and their hooks people picking and eating
(One has a stepladder – but surely that’s cheating)
There’s a huge hornet like motorbike parked by the edge
While its tattooed black leathered owner dallies
His helmet abandoned beside the hedge

Facial studs glinting – he is picking the blackberries


Friday, 11 October 2013

Litterbugs - Published Cambridge News 3 October 2013


I wonder who these people are
Who so lightheartedly  fling
From the window of the car
The rubbish that they bring

There are bottles and drink cans
Which litter the verge
And these hideous things
From the wildflowers emerge

Cigarette boxes and all kinds of trash
They just chuck out the lot
They sling it and dash
But bio-degrade – it does NOT

Thus all this detritus they sling
And unnatural things our roadsides sully
And a depressing air of squalor brings
To every edge and every gully

When you’re driving your car
Please don’t  throw as you roam
Just take all  your litter
And bin it back home

(Collected from 20m of verge)

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Storm - published Cambridge News 26 7 13


Zig-zagging flash and deafening crash rending the sky asunder
With the shattering roar of celestial lion
The heavens at war with the great God Thor
As he hammers on anvils of iron

The cymbals of heaven are crashing together
As jagged streaks of lightning tear
The blackening sky is ripped apart
By flickering shock of  blinding glare

The beating rain on window pane
Water cascading in torrential downpour
Like elemental spirit flailing the glass
Drumming with wild relentless roar

The drama and thrill of the fury out spill
Above the crescendo of thunder is born
Where the towering thunderheads are clashing
Caught in the eye of the storm

The roiling heavens above in torment
With jagged streaks that havoc wreak
While insignificant mortals below
Are dwarfed by the rage of the firmament