Friday, 20 September 2013



I have to hand in my prescription
Because I’m now taking pills
For most of my ills
Of every shape size and description
There are blue ones and green ones
                                  And red ones and yellow                               
                                 And pink ones and white ones                               
And large ones to swallow
Some pills are long
And some pills are round
So you don’t get them wrong
Their colours abound

The results are beyond my prediction……….

September Skies - Published Cambridge News 15 and 25 October 2013

September Skies

Great burgeoning clouds with indigo base
Armada of galleons sailing on high
Endless succession in stately procession
Proudly parading across the sky

Tumultuous shapes in towering billows
Gilt edged lace expanding frills
Exploding from colossal  pillows
Mushrooming vapour and ephemeral hills  

Dancing a continuous slow quadrille
Serenely moving with changing shapes
Bellying  full of glittering raindrops
Are cumulous mountains and valleys and lakes

With ominous approaching  threat
Dark treacherous shadow from horizons advance
           Then spreading dazzling fanned out rays           
          Miraculous sunlight will through this lance            

And from this black and menacing cloud
A vivid arc of rainbow glows
With  brilliant sunlight refracting the colour
By magic as if from no where arose

Friday, 13 September 2013

Dragonflies before your eyes

Dragonflies Before Your Eyes

My garden has two dragonflies
Whizzing to and fro
Sunlight glinting on their wings
With dazzling colour glows
With camera held I’m watching them
To see where they will go.
In silhouette against the sky
First one tries my washing line
On tiptoe I can have a  try
And got a picture just in time.
Then  breath abated I sat and waited
For where the next will settle
A challenging photo this could be
To put me on my mettle
And now at last he’s come to rest
And taken up the perfect pose
Where I can get that picture best
He’s perching neatly on my toes

Gathering in the Harvest - Published Cambridge News 5 9 2013

Gathering in the Harvest

The grind and the roar and the column of dust 
Boiling up like a storm
The combine with invincible thrust
Is shearing it way through the corn

From its jaws the riches pour
Rotating reel and scissored teeth
While whirling mass of harvest chaff
Is spewing out beneath

Reaped and winnowed and threshed in one
Along the chute the grain cascades
This liquid gold collects in hold
Gathered in by flashing blades

He’s riding high above the turmoil
Controlling this colossal beast
Driving in insulated capsule
Harvesting the country’s feast
And all alone bewildered hare
                With ears alert will pause to stare                  
Gazing at the field around
His land laid waste is stripped and bare

Friday, 6 September 2013

Seagulls - Published Cambridge News 1 October 2013


The atmosphere filled with shrilling cries
Piercing the tractor’s labouring growl
Strident and racous they're filling the skies
As it strains to turn the heavy ground

Line after line of glistening furrow
Shining ridges of new turned soil
With shrieking clouds of gulls that follow
And trail in the wake of the tractor’s toil

Their intricate pattern in constant shift
They rise and whirl in upwards swirl
Gliding and riding the wind as they lift
Then  swoop and dive and wings unfurl

Together they squawk and squabble and bicker
Vying  for worms as the rich earth turns
With sunlight catching on wings that flicker
They jostle and fight as the ploughshare churns

With angry beaks and yellow feet
And glinting light on flashing wings
They fiercely compete over scraps to eat
Feasting the harvest the turned earth brings

A revolving flotilla they wheel and bank
Curving their wings and gracefully slide
Spread feet and tails to break the descent
Cupping the air as they downwards glide

They circle and settle and soar again
Continuous complex dance they weave
Moving in sinuous billowing cloud
Reaping the bounty the tractors leave

Tantalizing Butterflies (click cursor over a photo for details of image)

Photographing Butterflies
Photographing butterflies
That briefly pause then flutter on
An infuriating exercise
Alighting there but not for long
You take a breath – away it flies
A most frustrating enterprise
You raise the lens and then they’re gone
They’re passing right before our eyes
This image I’d immortalize
But the butterflies just carry on
They hover flit and tantalize
From that mystic world where they belong
And all our skills will utilize 
And all our photos jeopardize
So thus our pictures turn out wrong!
Whoever tries  can sympathize
And if they fail – will empathize
While the butterflies just cruise  along



Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Feather for Two

Feather for Two

When walking together
They found a feather
Of iridescent hue
Brilliant scintillating blue
Which floated from heaven
This azure treasure
And this marvel of beauty shared
From their love of nature around
For the same things they cared
All the wonder that them surround
And this their two hearts tether