Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Gale Force - Published Cambridge News 1 May 13

Gale Force

The rush and the roar of the wind as it tore
Through the  trees that groan as they bend to the strain
The tree tops that lash as they thrash in the wind
            The branches that creak as they shriek with the pain             

The cloud shadows race as they chase over hills
                   That mirror the clouds as they stream through the sky                      
           Scudding and sweeping across the terrain            
 Ripping across as their shadows tear by
Rooks tumble in gusts like shreds of black rag
As they ride on the wings of the storm
Like witch on a broomstick a black hatted hag
And tossed in the air these fragments are torn

     The washing that flaps as it snaps on the line            
Cracking and whipping  in billowing  flails     
The umbrella that fights as it strains into flight
                            Like living creatures inflating their sails                                

The vortex of leaves that swirls as it whirls
That spins as it spirals up into the gale  
The rubbish that lifts into swift rising drifts
Leaving its litter behind in a trail
The sound and the fury that tell their own story 
                             Of tumult above and chaos beneath                               
Diminishing us with its power and its glory
The noise that crescendos sweeping the earth


Monday, 22 April 2013

Cutting Edge - published Cambridge News 3 May 2013

Cutting Edge

The rim of the tin
Has an edge like a razor
And the knife and the peeler
Will cut like a laser

The silver foil packet
Has venomous teeth
Which when you hack it
Slits the finger beneath

There’s blood on the table
The onions turned red
You’ve mopped what you’re able
From the finger that bled

What you need is a plaster
To cover the wound
Of this kitchen disaster
But alas you are doomed

The finger is clumsy
Its sticky with blood
You can’t open the plaster
Because of the flood

You can see what you need
In its neat plastic wrapping
While you stand there and bleed
 But its snug on its backing

To get at it faster
You need hands and your glasses
You can’t open your plaster
Its one of life’s farces

Reluctant Spring - Published Cambridge News 9 April 13

Reluctant Spring

This reluctant spring that doesn’t bring
The sun we need and yearn for
With hesitant step and tight furled wing
She hovers at the seasons door
Retaining yet his bitter cling
Still winter claims his encore
Slinking behind metallic skies
The furtive suns elusive rays
Its phantom glows and bashful hides
Ever evading our hopeful gaze
While winter encroaches springs cautious approaches
Yet still she hides with shrinking mien
With faltering hold and chilly reproaches
                                This wayward unwilling queen                                   

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Bumble Bee Verse........

Bumble Bee

My camera poised upon my knee
Sitting there with breathless glee
I waited for that mega-bee.
Along he came with throaty drone
A mighty bumbler all alone.
Excitement high I grabbed the lens
A picture to impress my friends!
Alas my move dislodged him off
Away he flew in such a huff
And all I got was just a puff
And then to make things even worse
What’s more he flew off in reverse –

What could I do but sit and curse?